Photo marathon: news for 2018
3 ideas for the 5th photo marathon
So next year, I'll be doing another charity event for the Ukrainian women's refuge. It's the 5th photo marathon so of course we're going to come up with some crazy new ideas and plans to celebrate the anniversary.Exihibition: the best pics so far
Together with a museum, I am organising an exihibition of the best photos of the past five photo marathons. The curator of the museum was open to my ideas and we're already working on a concept. Details will follow shortly. The pictures will be sold, if the artists give their permission.
Going once, going twice... sold!
I am also planning to get some pictures shot in L'viv while I'm there this summer. Hopefully a gallery or a museum will work together with me on this one: I'd love to make an exhibition of these pictures and auction them off at the finissage. The pictures will, of course, be limited editions: a maximum of five pictures will be sold. So get ready go get some L'viv into your homes next year!
On the road with photographers
Next year, a few photographers will get the chance to join me on my journey to Ukraine. I will personally show them round and organise them places to sleep and tourist guides. We will also visit the women's refuge I support. A maximum of eight people can come along.
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