News in English
The bazar will take place on 5 and 6 April; 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.; at the vicarage in Pottenstein, Lower Austria. We will also sell coffee and home-made cake. Whoever wants to get rid of their stuff: we will be at the vicarage on 4 April, from about half 7 p.m. until 10 or so.
I hope lots of people donate things and hopefully even more people come and buy them - perhaps we can even beat our old record!
In May, the staff of "Rodyna" are visiting us in Austria. We hope they'll have a pleasant stay here and get to know everyone involved in working on this project. They'll also get the money of the bazar here in Austria.
Furthermore, we're still looking for host families for 8 Ukrainian girls, aged 15-17. The girls speak German and are here for a language course in order to improve their German; so if you live in Berndorf or Pottenstein perhaps you can accomodate one or two of them. It is definitely an interesting experience for both your family and the students. Host families with grown-up children or without children are also welcome! The children will arrive on 16 May and leave on 25 May 2008. If you want to know more about this project, feel free to send me an e-mail; I'll answer all of your questions.
I hope lots of people donate things and hopefully even more people come and buy them - perhaps we can even beat our old record!
In May, the staff of "Rodyna" are visiting us in Austria. We hope they'll have a pleasant stay here and get to know everyone involved in working on this project. They'll also get the money of the bazar here in Austria.
Furthermore, we're still looking for host families for 8 Ukrainian girls, aged 15-17. The girls speak German and are here for a language course in order to improve their German; so if you live in Berndorf or Pottenstein perhaps you can accomodate one or two of them. It is definitely an interesting experience for both your family and the students. Host families with grown-up children or without children are also welcome! The children will arrive on 16 May and leave on 25 May 2008. If you want to know more about this project, feel free to send me an e-mail; I'll answer all of your questions.
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